29. Sep

Test center opening hours

These are the test center opening hours. Opening hours may be adjusted and if so it will be updated here.

Klaksvík, á Faktorvegi:

Monday, Wednesday and Friday kl. 9-11

Tórshavn, á Eystaru bryggju:

- Monday and Wednesday: 5 pm-7 pm

- Tuesday: 8 pm-10pm

- Friday: 7.30 pm-9.30 pm

- Saturday: 4.30 pm-6.30 pm


Tvøroyri, í Trongisvágs skúla:

  • Monday and Wednesday kl. 8-10.
  • Friday kl. 9-12

Testing is free of charge. 

Long waiting times can be expected. Bring warm clothes, and maybe something to eat and drink. 

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